25 WordPress Alternatives Best For SEO via @sejournal, @lorenbaker

WordPress powers hundreds of millions of websites, but it is not the only content management system (CMS) option. There’s a diverse marketplace of publishing platforms for those seeking alternatives. This review provides an overview of 25 leading alternatives to WordPress across key website categories. We explore user-friendly website builders like Wix, Squarespace, and Weebly, which…

Wayback Machine: 5 Alternatives To Try via @sejournal, @BennyJamminS

The internet is constantly changing, with websites appearing and disappearing and information being added or removed constantly. This makes it hard for people who study and analyze the internet or businesses to control their online appearance. It’s easy for things to get lost or vanish entirely. But there’s good news! There are web archives, like…

Butterfly Effect: How Core Updates Make Subtle User Intent Changes via @sejournal, @Kevin_Indig

Boost your skills with Growth Memo’s weekly expert insights. Subscribe for free! Sites can lose significant organic traffic from Core Updates without obvious patterns when analyzing rank changes. One hidden cause is subtle intent shifts. Two outdated models prevent us from seeing what’s really going on. One, we often think of user intent as transactional, navigational, informational,…