This website offers uncensored, unfiltered sexual health education

The phrase, “There’s a censorship problem in the United States,” is a homing beacon for political and social division — instantly casting a sense of wariness about who is uttering it and for what aim. But it’s also true. From continued legislative attacks on inclusive education to digital “shadowbanning” of accounts in social media algorithms,…

April Fools’ Day: 8 brands that dropped cringey online pranks

Not to sound hyperbolic, but April Fools’ Day is the worst. Not because of all the shitty pranks by attention-starved YouTubers, but because of the shitty pranks by attention-starved multinational corporations. April Fools’ Day is meant to be light-hearted and fun, but nothing takes the winds out of its sails than the onslaught of bad…

Gen Z is apparently reviving the Facebook ‘Poke’

The Facebook “Poke” is back…though was it really ever in? Young folks — you know, Gen Z and the like — are apparently using the Poke more than ever. Last week, Facebook said it had seen a 13x spike in Pokes over the last month. The oft-forgotten feature on the oft-forgotten social media site is…